
Fake social: foto Televideo Rai e Oscar 2024

A prima vista, potrebbe sembrare l’ennesima notizia falsa sui social, ma purtroppo la figuraccia è vera: da stanotte impazza sui social la foto di un’ultim’ora dell’1.35 del Televideo Rai in cui si parla della notte degli Oscar 2024 e del film di Matteo Garrone “Io capitano” “ispirato alla vita del capitano Schettino e al disastro della Costa Concordia”. Un film che “aveva suscitato grande interesse e aspettative”.

In realtà, il lavoro di Matteo Garrone, che ha vinto il Leone d’argento per la miglior regia alla Mostra del cinema di Venezia, racconta invece di due adolescenti che lasciano Dakar in Senegal per raggiungere l’Europa e l’Italia. La cosa grave è che la pagina errata del Televideo è stata ripresa maldestramente anche da alcuni siti che hanno sbagliato anche i nomi dei protagonisti del film.

La pagina del Televideo è stata aggiornata qualche ora dopo, alle 7.45, ma è rimasta ben visibile nella versione solo testo ancora per diverse ore, quindi è stata cancellata. Intanto, sui social continuano i commenti stupiti e divertiti: “Ma ancora esiste il Televideo?”, “Non è neanche il primo aprile”, e ancora sull’ipotetico film: “Interpretato da Favino”.

Agli Oscar 2024, “Io capitano” era candidato come miglior film internazionale al fianco di “Perfect days” di Wim Wenders, “La società della neve” di Juan Antonio Bayona, “La sala professori” di Çlker Çatak e “La zona d’interesse” di Jonathan Glazer. E proprio il film del regista inglese ha avuto la meglio conquistando la statuetta per il suo dramma sull’Olocausto grazie al quale ha vinto anche l’Oscar per il miglior montaggio sonoro.

Oscar, la gaffe di Televideo nella Notte delle stelle: ‘Io…’


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Oscar, la gaffe di Televideo nella Notte delle stelle: ‘Io…’


During the Night of the Stars, Oscar, the popular Italian television program, was marred by an unfortunate gaffe by Televideo, the national broadcaster’s information service. The incident raised eyebrows and sparked a wave of conversation and speculation among viewers.

The Night of the Stars

The Night of the Stars is an annual event where the crème de la crème of the Italian film industry gathers to celebrate outstanding achievements in cinema. This glamorous evening, filled with red carpets, fashion statements, and emotional acceptance speeches, is eagerly awaited by both the film industry and fans alike.

Televideo’s Embarrassing Gaffe

However, this year’s Night of the Stars took an unexpected turn when Televideo, a trusted source of information for viewers, made a significant and embarrassing mistake. Displayed on the screen during the live broadcast, a subtitle intended to read “Io… (I…)” mysteriously ended prematurely, leaving viewers puzzled and bewildered.

Reactions of Confusion and Amusement

The abrupt cut-off of the subtitle provided by Televideo left the audience confused and generated a burst of reaction on social media. Some spectators found humor in the situation and turned the gaffe into memes, sharing them across various platforms. Others expressed their disappointment and criticized Televideo for the incident, highlighting the importance of accurate and reliable information dissemination.

Official Apology and Explanation

In response to the incident, Televideo issued a formal apology, acknowledging the gaffe and assuring viewers that it was an unintentional mistake caused by technical difficulties. The national broadcaster explained that the system responsible for generating subtitles experienced a temporary glitch, resulting in the premature cut-off.

Lessons Learned

Televideo’s gaffe in the Night of the Stars serves as a reminder that even trusted sources can make errors. It emphasizes the need for thorough quality checks and backup systems to prevent such mishaps from occurring, especially during live broadcasts of high-profile events. The incident also highlights the power of social media in shaping public perception, as viewers quickly shared their reactions online.


While the Night of the Stars was intended to be a night of celebration for the Italian film industry, Televideo’s unfortunate gaffe became a talking point that overshadowed the event. The incident serves as a reminder for broadcasters to prioritize accuracy and reliability, ensuring that technical glitches do not mar important live broadcasts in the future.

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